Advantage of Polished Concrete in Educational Facilities

by Luis dos Santos

Polished concrete has become a popular flooring option for schools and other public spaces due to its durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic qualities. It is a cost-effective solution that can withstand heavy foot traffic and is resistant to stains, scratches, and moisture. Polished concrete can be customized with a variety of colors and patterns to create a unique and attractive design that reflects the school’s spirit and culture.

Polished concrete has become one of the most sought-after flooring options for different businesses and industries. This is due to the positive qualities and benefits offered by polished concrete over other flooring types.

Reasons why polished concrete is ideal for school flooring

Each year, schools around the world spend countless dollars replacing worn out tile and carpet. The cost of replacing these traditional flooring materials is expensive and, in most cases, not environmentally friendly. With polished concrete floors, lower costs, simplified maintenance, greater longevity, and true sustainability are key factors. Some examples of areas that work well for polished concrete in schools include classrooms, hallways, entryways, restrooms, and auditoriums.

Allergens and low maintenance

Polished concrete is achieved by closing the pore spaces that naturally exist in concrete, which means that liquids will not immediately seep into it. Polished concrete floors are easy to keep clean with periodic dusting or mopping and won’t serve as a haven for dust mites and allergens. Polished concrete is resistant against different kinds of pollutants and germs, helping create a healthier overall environment for schools. Carpet is not only susceptible to constant wear and tear but is also difficult to keep clean. Even though things like sand may scratch polished concrete, the cost to repair it as opposed to the cost to install new carpet is vastly cheaper in the long run. Schools have a short number of weeks in the summer to clean carpeted areas with equipment that is not always effective. In some cases, replacing the carpet is the only option.

A safe and greener flooring option

Polished concrete floors offer a more sustainable alternative to traditional options. The process of polishing concrete has a small footprint with regard to raw material consumption. The products used to densify and polish concrete are VOC compliant which means that they won’t release dangerous fumes that could harm children in a school environment. Polished concrete floors are also energy efficient and benefit climate control while lowering heating and air-conditioning costs.

Improved reflectivity and ambient lighting

Polished concrete floors create high light reflectivity, making the schools look bright and clean. They create a higher degree of shine than any other traditional flooring option. Improved ambient lighting reduces the cost of energy bills and increases safety.

Slip resistant

Polished concrete, though shiny on the surface, is also slip resistant. This can be highly beneficial in crowded and busy school hallways when slips and falls can be a daily occurrence. Properly polished concrete floors meets industry coefficient of friction standards.

More durable than tile

Various types of tile are frequently used in schools but tile doesn’t offer the level of durability that polished concrete does. Ceramic tile is prone to cracking if something heavy is dropped on it. Keeping the grout between ceramic tiles clean may be a lengthy and challenging process that can only happen a few times each year. Vinyl composite tile (VCT) typically requires a waxing regimen in order to maintain its shine, which can prove costly over time.

Heavy foot traffic

Schools are areas that have a heavy amount of daily foot traffic. Students, teachers, and staff are constantly moving around the premises, requiring the flooring to be durable. As opposed to carpet that takes a beating from heavy foot traffic and needs to be replaced, concrete is meant for this type of use and a school with a vast amount of people coming in and out each day is a great place to utilize polished concrete floors.

Diverse design options

One of the most desired features of polished concrete is the nearly limitless options that can be customized and implemented throughout a school, including colors, patterns and logos to create a floor that is truly representative of each school’s individual character. Schools have a chance to innovate their flooring with polished concrete by bringing in a modern design that can incorporate the school’s name, logo or mascot easily, giving your flooring a unique, at-home touch!

Thales Academy
Schools are designed to be safe environments where students and teachers are able to learn and teach. By applying polished concrete to your school flooring, you will be able to create the safest and most comfortable learning environment through sustainable and durable flooring.

Fast application and minimal downtime.

A polished concrete finish can be accomplished in just a few days, even in very large areas. As soon as the surface has been polished, it is ready for immediate use. There is no added cure or set time.

Advanced Concrete Coatings
Polished concrete is a great option for school hallways and gathering areas, as it offers a combination of practicality and aesthetic appeal that can enhance the overall experience for students, staff, and visitors.


Schools are places where people learn new things and develop new skills. It is home to hundreds or thousands of students, teachers, and staff. This makes schools one of the busiest places anywhere in the world. This high activity means that schools must be designed to be safe and health friendly. Flooring is an important element in creating a sustainable school environment, and must be durable and long- lasting, which is why polished concrete is often the best choice for schools worldwide.